Team members annoying me

Hey, Jess here.
I’m really enjoying my work as a Starbuck’s barista within a grocery store. We’re done training today and today is our soft opening of the store. I’ve been dealing with warped thoughts when some of my co-workers make me feel irritated(diagnosed with Schizoaffective Bipolar). I get my inner monologue thoughts as shoot them in the face, assault them, or assassinate them. Any ideas on how to deal with these thoughts?

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I just try to ignore my thoughts

At some point, I have had to MAKE my thoughts or voices take a backseat to what I’m trying to accomplish. It may take trial and error to get it to work, but I think you can get there.

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I know the feeling! There is a side of me that wants to hurt people for the evil they did towards me. Beating the ■■■■ out of someone pleases my ego to a level that is kinda sick and scary to even admit, but logic always kicks in no matter what. I spent 2.5 years in the Georgia prison system already, have more than two felony convictions, and would prefer to stay far far away from any behavior that would put me back in jail or prison. My ego loves it though. Why, I don’t know. I observe those hateful feelings when they float through me, but I would never act on them. I also believe there is a such thing as thought insertion, some of those hateful thoughts may not be your own. Just ignore them. Only irrational individuals who need help from one of the systems set up in our world act out those evil thoughts you are experiencing.

Clonazepam (Klonopin) 1mg helps me with intrusive thoughts.

If you’re thinking about harming people you should see your pdoc for a dose or med adjustment

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