Teacher is a hypocrite

Just finishing up my class. The teacher gave us a ton of assignments, never let up the whole quarter. And we had to read 25 pages out of the textbook each week. Quizzes, discussions, Labs, and a few other things. But he never graded them on time. For the quizzes we got our results right away but for our big written paper assignments he took two weeks to grade them. Now, the last day of class is Friday and I don’t know where I stand because I have about four ungraded assignments. Practice what you preach brother.

Try not to get too upset with them

I had an argument with a tutor at my course, and I got rubbish grades just because I challenged him

Know this is true, as the first assignment I got a good grade for my plan of essay, then he downgraded and rubbished my work

It’s also true as I got pretty much good grades on everything but that one course!

I am sure you killed it. Keep us posted


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