I sleep walk. I also wake up thinking my dreams are real. I also wake up several times a night and smoke cigs.
So about a week ago, I woke up while trying to light a cig in the house. Then two nights ago, I woke up with an old pill bottle of abilify spilled over my bed and realized I was taking the medication in my sleep!
I have no idea how much I took. I’m thinking at least one pill I know I took but it could have been as many as three. I had it in my head that I should take one each time I woke up.
So anyways. I do feel dumb but I know it wasn’t my fault. I just skipped my morning dosage and went on with my life…
I bought a big lunchbox style cooler, and put a luggage lock on the zippers to keep Starlet out, because he was at risk of suicide for a while. Maybe a similar setup could help you.
My brother sleepwalks, and he is a rock climber. He used to wake up on top of buildings, which is super dangerous. He said the only thing that’s helped is sleeping with his guitar. Now, when he starts to get up to sleepwalk, he bumps into his guitar, and his unconscious mind just sits there and plays guitar all night.
When he was a kid, I kept a lock on the outside of his bedroom door, because he would get ready for school and go stand in the middle of the road waiting for the bus at like midnight. But that would probably not work if you sleep alone, and was DEFINITELY not safe to do. 18 year old new parent Ninjastar just had no other ideas.
Putting a door alarm on your bedroom door might help, because it would make noise to wake you up when you started sleepwalking. And then you could leave your pills outside your bedroom.