Taking 2 courses in the fall

Intro to Autism
Intro to Queer Studies

My mom couldn’t be less proud lol. She’s not a fan of DEI. Said I’d be better served getting certified to run an MRI or ultrasound machine. She’s not wrong, it’s a smart idea. But I’m looking forward to my classes nonetheless.

I hope I’m able to manage it while I’m working. I’m awfully tired when I get home. But I’m gonna give it a shot.


Congratulations on the courses.

What type of job are you doing atm?

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Thanks @Zoe.

I’m working as a medical receptionist.

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Ohhh nice!! Sounds like a tough job! Glad you are able for it.

I’m sure it’s great for improving life skills on a daily basis…

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It’s been a rough road! I got yelled at by people a lot in the beginning.

I’m getting yelled at a lot less now, which means I must finally be getting better at it.

I do think I’m getting better at talking to people, having so much practice everyday. Plus the behind-the-scenes exposure to the healthcare environment has been invaluable. I definitely have learned things that demystify it a little bit for me.

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Yes, nice one.

Developing in a meaningful job is really satisfying.


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