Tagline Change, Please!

@Moonbeam, @Ninjastar, @rogueone,…etc

I’d like…

Just give me the damn research money, already!

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


Not sure that will fit. Can I cut it down a bit?

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Okay…get rid of the word ‘damn’…will that work?

Maybe. I will try.

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It fit, but I censored, ok?

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Awesome! I love it! :slight_smile:

One Rick and Morty pic or meme, plz!

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Will a cat playing Whack-A-Mole do?


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I guess…but in the future. RICK AND MORTY FTW

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wubba lubba meow meow


Omgosh @Moonbeam that is all the awesome.

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