SZA Vs Misdiagnosis

If I successfully came off meds and never again became psychotic, would my sza diagnosis still be correct and true?

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Iv a feeling once your diagnosed that’s it. If you were ok you’d probably be considered in remission

what if remission lasted for the rest of my life imo that’s misdiagnosis anyway time will tell…!


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There are cases of people who are still in remission without taking the medicines for a long time. But it’s not the rule. You probably need to have a very good emotional and mental control. You have to be a very integrated person. I wouldn’t advise stopping medicines without the help of a psychiatrist.

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my brother said i faked it in a joking manner

I feel misdiagnosed but it could just be the meds talking in my case :thinking:

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If only there was a test to see if we suffered something on the Schizophrenia spectrum.


It would be interesting, but doctors deal with many other factors than just DSM-V protocols. There are things they don’t know and they don’t dare acting as if they knew everything. My first doctor (who hospitalized me), for example, never dared to say that I would have to take medicines for the rest of my life. That’s a very mature way of dealing with a patient instead of imposing his psychiatric view and reaping out all your hope.

According to my psychiatrist once your diagnosed it is a lifelong illness. For instance Like being diabetic, they have to take drugs lifelong even when it goes into remission.

They are considered still a diabetic. Or a cancer patient that thru drugs goes into remission and they don’t have to take chemo or radiation are considered in remission and still considered a cancer patient. They still need to be checked on occasionally to see if it’s still in remission or has come back. Sorry didn’t mean to write a book :books: lol :joy:


I feel like I’m misdiagnosed too. I have (according to them) chronic paranoid schizophrenia. But personally I think schizophrenia is a made up illness for people being targeted so they lose their credibility if they talk about the government


Yeah, that’s not the view of my first psychiatrist neither the view of my last one.

By the way, my current psychiatrist don’t even think my diagnosis is correct.

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I’ve had those same thoughts @Cindy10. But I’ve since come to the conclusion that there’s folks out there way more outspoken and dissatisfied with the government than I am.

Plus I’ve worked for the government at the state level before, and that is some unorganized bureaucratic mess right there :upside_down_face:

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I hope your doc is right and you don’t have to carry that label and stigma anymore

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I’m so glad you don’t work for them anymore I’m glad you got awat

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Misdiagnosed lead to wrong treatment and meds
which is only cause harm to patient
that why many case have to ask for another p doc opinion before dx
but misdagnosed still can be happen
something like quiet borderline
if p doc do not have enough experience they might miss it
so p doc have to becareful after diagnosed patient as well

like anti-psychotic meds can cause harm if give it to wrong case
imagine how it would ruin someone’s life
because it affect our brain directly

so many P doc might aware that they misdiagnosed someone
but might won’t admit or change it
because it’d would cause them to losing their job

It think that get some second or third opinion would be the best

It was a decent position right out of college and the work was interesting so no complaints here. It was basically an office of regular people who wanted to make a difference and needed the paycheck.

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Yeah, but once the mess is done, it’s done. Here in Brazil, we even have a type of Disability for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. It’s called Psychossocial Disability. This type of disability considers the fact that you were diagnosed with schizophrenia, it messed with your life, it gave you stigma and so you need the disability.

And it’s a reality. After my diagnosis, many relatives and “friends” don’t talk to me the same way they used to. It’s a very lonely thing, but it also shows the real face of other people.


I loved that statement you said that it shows the real face of other people. That is soooo yrue

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