Sz is unfair

It reduces intelligence, I had very high grades up until college where my grades went down a lot in university. I got diagnosed after my 1st university semester. I still got a major in kinesiology but I am not happy. I wanted to be a Dr and now I am unable to even work a simple job or volunteer. Why do normal ppl have it easy? I don’t even think I will be able to work even on Vraylar but at least it might get me my friends back like Abilify, hangout daily with them and go 4x/week to the gym.


My brothers have it easy, Audi 2019, working with their university major, buying multiple houses and renting them, etc

Yup, it sucks. Just have to appreciate what you still have I guess.

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Yep, I am always jealous of my brothers, they live with me.

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I wasn’t able to hold jobs even on Abilify but I was able to hangout with friends daily and go to the gym 4x/week.

I’m sure it takes a lot of work to pay for those. And to live a certain lifestyle if that’s what he’s doing.


At least you have brothers and you’re not alone. Don’t compare yourself to them I think.

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Yes but that work is a lot easier to them.


Yes, and it’s something they like doing usually.


Forget about it…you just have to turn the psychology around…like it’s a privilege to have sz. jk :relaxed:

No, I totally agree. It’s hard on us. But just got to keep that positive mindset. Our situation might improve for whatever reason. There might come better drugs. You never know.


Been 10 years and since I got diagnosed that I haven’t held a job for more than 4 weeks. Idk about new meds maybe its permanent brain damage.

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I kind of feel the same whenever someone runs past me on a pathway. I’ve just gotta keep doing my own best with my walking and be thankful I still have this much.


Your intelligence is not necessarily gone. It’s just smothered with a crapload of internal interference. The negative symptoms also keep you undermotivated. I hope you find a med that can get you back in the game. Otherwise learn your disability options.


It is reduced and I can’t even use the rest.

I’m not trying to be mean by saying this. The way you keep repeating that you can’t do anything only reinforces that idea and contributes to failure simply by the state of your mind. If you change the self talk you may find over time that you can do more than you’re currently believing you can do.


I don’t think you have brain damadge. It’s more the brain is kept in a negative state of limbo from the AP’s I think. If you are able to get to a relatively low dose of AP’s with your doctors consent at some point, you might feel a lot better.

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I wish it was that easy and simple, already tried that many times and keep trying without any results.

Don’t give up. Keep trying.

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Yeah my intelligence has been reduced and it’s getting worse every year.
I also suffer from low motivation and can feel little pleasure.

It really sucks.

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Its not only the AP, its also the sz. I wasn’t able to work even when I quit meds for 1-2 years.