I suppose this is mostly about size distortion/body dysmorphia. Sort of. I just want to know if people have had these symptoms before, because I link them with times when my disorder is really starting to get to me.
Quite a lot of the time, mostly when I’m in bed or distracted with something, I start to get really odd feelings in different parts of my body. It mostly occurs in my hands. They start to throb, and I feel like they’re growing in size. I’ll hold another part of my body with them - my leg, for example. I start to imagine that my hands could just pull my legs off because they’re so big/strong. They feel very heavy too. It also happens to my feet, but in a different way. I feel like they’re really small, so small that it’s like walking on my tip toes without the pressure in my calves. It is starting to become really uncomfortable (to put it mildly) and I feel it would really put me at ease to know if other people have these symptoms too.
Also, would like to say I’m brand new to the forum, so hi! I hope you can help me out.