Symptom free yet left with incredible depression

I don’t have anything specific to focus myself in and that’s bad. It’s said that people who work longer live longer, and I don’t know what to do next. I’m battling to try to get transcranial magnetic stimulation for my depression and I want to begin working. I don’t feel too awsome just staying home all day, I used to be a paratrooper and lived a faster paced lifestyle in the past. I can only wish now to have the same vitality, but it’s not that easy after what has been done. If anyone has advice for a person who needs work but is disabled please make a post.

I’m so so sorry @neveragain.
Depression can make you feel horribly useless and hopeless even when everything around goes just fine.
What are the possible options in your community? Don’t you have a job center where you live?
NGO usually need some help around- you could search if there are some in your town and ask them about voluntary work.
You can take a small steps at first, it doesn’t have to be a full time job, maybe to take some course or plan an outdoor activities for the start?

I hope you’ll pull out of it. I know it is a very dark place to be.

Damn man… that’s awesome news… takes time to get fully ahead of each aspect of mental illness. If you’re positive symptoms are under control it’s time to start learning about depression.

Exercise has been proven to be as effective as meds…

I was also just telling someone else about this:

I know the feeling. Instead of working in a meaningless job, I went back to college. Studying is better than working… lol Did some volunteer work also before, it’s also cool. Takes off the pressure of money and you can help people.

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Can u ask for a referral to vocational rehabilitation? I did that last year and the social worker put me into service program. they put me into work placement. I think it is helping me.

I’m the same as the title.
I think it could be something called FASD as a side diagnosis but I don’t know for sure.

Did your symptoms stop recently?

When my schiz went into remission I definitely hit a deep depression. I have always been very depressed but it was different without psychosis. I also found that my awareness of the world in general was greater. Psychosis had occupied a lot of my brain activity and I was left with this reality that I wasn’t familiar with.

Do you know what you feel capable of doing? Like could school or work help? Sometimes the added stress of that can be overwhelming but in small stages it can be a lifesaver. The thing with depression is that it likes to eat you alive. If you can think of just one thing you’d enjoy doing, like take one class at a community college, do it in small stages. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I know I am completely guilty of doing that myself. I tried having 2-3 things a week I would look forward to. Like meeting someone on the same day each week or having a simple activity I did alone like going to the library. If you know ahead of time that like Thursday is your day to do XYZ it can help you become oriented. It’s easy to lose track of time and get swept away.

Yes I’ve gained weight, and I’m having a hard time staying active. Just because I don’t hear voices right now doesn’t mean I’m not stressed you know? I dunno I have to keep working to get out of this condition.

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Have you talked to your psychiatrist about your depression?

And as SoitGoes says - try to get out to get at least a little exercise every day, even if its walking around outside for 40 minutes. I know its hard to do - but just tell yourself you’ll feel better AFTER wards - even though you don’t feel like it now.


I’ve had my doctor changed now for the third time, we’re all current on what’s going on with me. I’m trying to get transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy from the VA and it’s been about three years since I’ve known about it, but only one for how long I’ve been waiting to get the therapy.

I tried to get VA to fund the therapy at a local clinic in my hometown, they adamantly refused. So I don’t know really how to get myself better if I can’t get this therapy, I was really excited to try it and see the results.

Are you seeing a psychologist - CBT for Depression is a very effective treatment program and likely covered quickly by the VA. Have you tried that?

I’ve had some one on one appointments that use CBT. I’m really trying for the TMS therapy though.

I’d say keep working on Both. TMS is quite new and not available everywhere - CBT is available and proven - so why not keep trying to do both?

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