Supernatural stuff

Do ghosts ever do things to you? Ghosts have physically done things to me. One likes to make out with me. Hasn’t happened for a month or so but sure enough it always shows back up after being away for a while. Unless this is my illness. I have other pretty convoluted ideas for what might happen.

I have stuff moving in my house. I haven’t seen a ghost yet but believe my house is haunted. This is not psychosis. I can tell the difference.

Not sure @anon21849028 but there are stones for protection. Those might help too. Google it perhaps. There are some good books on Amazon that might have protection spells in them.

@Sheryl someone in your house might be telekinesis abilities and not realize it.

@anon97859349 I think someone might have put some kind of curse on me back in the day but i think it was lifted. That sucks for you. There are ways to lift that kind of stuff and even YouTube videos about how to undo curses and the like

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I think I know who may have put a curse on me. It was a high school friend I had a falling out with. I mostly get along with people to.

@anon21849028 if you want to know what stones help I can tell you. I have a few. I just need to look at them. Let me know. I suggest you check out those YouTube videos too

I practice witchcraft and for protection I use rosemary or sage and for healing thyme is good for a lot of things. I carry either a piece of obsidian or jet for protection. Salt is always good put it on doorways leading into your house. Hopefully that can help you a bit!

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I love the way you explained this

I heard in a song once “your subconscious is not conscious” it was said in a demeaning way. I hate that song now lol no one’s subconscious thoughts are going to be consciously, supernaturally, via voices or spoken, acceptable to all…i mean i think that hyper intelligence. I’d live to reach that form of intelligence, but actually probably not because it seems it would be exhausting and i would always be doing something saying something to please someone else.

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I could’ve sworn some kind of energy force was just hovering over me until I thoroughly explained myself on a post here and then it went away from my head. My energy was clear… It seemed like all the electromagnetic energy in the house was surrounding and clamming down on me.

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what about ideas? 15q5q5

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I recently bought a quartz crystal. Supposedly you can do a lot with them. For instance, you can channel positive, loving light into them when you meditate. I have to do more research though about them.

The other stones are:

Shungite hematite, black tourmaline, Tibetan quartz, and green tourmaline.

Will get back later with descriptions.

Ever heard of the purple egg prayer/meditation @anon21849028?

Imagine a giant purple egg around you. Casting love and light around you and mirrored. It will reflect back to you what you need to see. Your supposed to reaffirm it often. Say I affirm or think I affirm a purple egg that surrounds and protects me and reflects back to me what I need to see. It will protect you.

You can also invoke the highest power of love.

Another idea is that on the nite of a full moon set outside to soak in the moonlight natural objects like wood, shells, rocks and stones etc. But before you set them out soak the ones you can in salt water and the ones you can’t because too fragile put in plain salt. Then the next day you can meditate on protection with them. Surround yourself with them and light a candle and meditate. You can also set them around your house for protection.

I don’t think this physical 3d world can exert an action upon whatever’s beyond it. So calling a witch to “purify” the house was in my humble opinion a useless endeavor.
On the other hand, entities from a higher dimension could very well project themselves (acoustically, visually etc) so as to become detectable by a human being.

Just my two cents… I am trying to apply logic principles to a highly speculative field, which is like taking wild swings in the dark…

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You could just sacrifice 9 fat horses… boiling the meat burning the bones and then casting the meat into the flames as you invoke the ancient mongol gods for protection… sorry i just read a book on mongolian shamanism… and …it…was…awesome…

Ok so I have a lot wrong with your “logic” here. One about how our “physical” world can’t interact. Now I would have to speculate that that is untrue assuming that other worldly beings do exist. Cause in order for them to “project” themselves to where a human could perceive them they would have to interact with something whether it be sound waves (to interact auditorially) or different types of light (for visual interaction) or some other type of matter. Which leaves the question open why can’t we communicate or interact in similar ways that they do with us? So I believe saying that interaction is impossible is a fallacy. Tbh I think they do exist and more interaction may be possible someday but there would need to be so much more research done to get to that point.

Ok now part 2 “purify” isn’t exactly the right word but for the life of me I can’t think of a better description except maybe “banishment” but that also feels incorrect. But the main point I have here is it worked my grandmother stopped haunting me and my family and that was that. So perhaps there is no correlation there but the timing was perfect if not.

Just my humble opinion based on my experience.

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Until I find a good example to support my “logic”, I will have to give you credit, @Noise. Indeed, what you say isn’t absurd at all.

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From my sleep paralysis moments… thats more accurate than you could know…

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I thought my problems were caused by evil spirits for a while. And I had a vision at Church that I thought was supernatural and not my psychosis, though I will not go into details because it might reveal my identity to others who know me.

When you said that I got paranoid that I really did know you. I know I am paranoid but I wonder if people on here aren’t really sz/sza and just stalking me.

When I was working the register at an ice cream store I heard an audible voice who said “oreo” as a women was walking up to order. She was by herself so she didn’t talk to anybody. And then like 10 seconds later she said “I want an oreo ice cream”. I was in awe for like 20 minutes. I couldn’t believe it. It proved to me that there is more out there than just the physical.


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