Sunday - burnt the wood floor of the balcony :(

A couple days ago - I was smoking out on the balcony and just left off my cigarette in the ashtray -

and went in. Maybe I was browsing the forum and who knows what - I got a call and just talked with a friend for around 10 minutes. When I went back to my room - I saw a small fire on the balcony - Oh god.

I brought a pot of water and just - I am not sure how to explain this in english :thinking:

anyway the fire was off but the floor which is wood was damaged. Today I cleaned with a brush and Lysol and the damage is not that big - but the floor is like destroyed around 10" like a crack. But it is only on the surface :frowning:

anyway - now just making sure i am more careful

You were really lucky. It could have been much worse! :fearful:

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yeah totally!!

and the other day I put a chicken breast to boil on the electric heater (usually takes a round 15 minutes ) and went to shower. My partner made such a big deal that I am not supposed to do that? my shower is 5 minutes.

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