This place is wild, been there a few times, it’s one of the biggest trailer parks in the US.
Scary too. I lived in an apartment across McCarren from there. One night there was gun shots in the complex. Scary. I had a 3 yr old and an infant and I was all by myself. I was glad when my sister came and we moved to the house in Sparks. Some places in Reno are just gross.
Oh man I’ve lived in reno and Sparks for ever, sorry you experienced that’s yeah there’s a lot of ghetto stuff here. Sparks isnt too bad, but I dream of moving someday. How long did you live in NV?
I guess the second time I lived there it was about 2 years. We lived a block from the marina. It was really nice.
We could go for walks with the dogs, and take the babies around the marina and play at the park, and at night I could walk over to the casino after the kids went to sleep and my sister would watch them.
Oh yeah marina is nice, and the western village is that casino right near there, good breakfast. Did you ever make it up to tahoe?
A few times, once when I was young the first time I lived there, when I was in the Job Corps, and a couple times actually from here, I’ve gone to visit my daughter when she was staying in a group home there. I also used to go to Tahoe as a child with my mom and dad. It’s beautiful.
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