When will we have the first schizoprenic president?
- Within 5 years
- Withing 10 years
- Within 50 years
- What are you talking about? I am the president!
0 voters
When will we have the first schizoprenic president?
0 voters
When hell freezes over. And everything is getting warmer according to scientists.
Never. Once it became public that a candidate was schizophrenic they would get skewered by the opposition. No one is going to trust a sz to be president, even if they are recovered.
A psychotic president sounds like hell.
I think even if the stigma went away a sz president would never happen.
And statistically, if there were no obstacles, it would still take 280-560 years on average for any president, who had or would later get sz, to be elected. Assuming no one got elected twice in that period.
I think having a decent normie president is a good place to start. Don’t know of other countries but our choices are usually a giant douche or a turd sandwich.
Well Trump probably has NPD so we’re working our way up the disorder tree. I think BPA would be next. A bit of mania might spice things up after boring Biden.
Please stop calling women “females”.
i think we already had one
Schizophrenics just wanna be left alone I find. President sounds not fun at all with that predisposition.
Don’t let this thread turn political please. Please stick to the question about a sz president.
In 1972, it was discovered that vice-presidential candidate Thomas Eagleton had suffered from depression and had a few ETC treatments. He stepped down and it was later said that it was one of the reasons George McGovern lost the presidential race to Nixon.
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