I was Diagnosed with schizophrenia back in late 2017. It’s now 2020 an I have major sleep problems. (Insomnia) I have extremely bad anxiety and can worry about any bad thoughts for days/weeks. A few months back I started having issues with my stomach and now have acid reflux I have to take a pill for everyday. A couple years back I posted that I felt a burning feeling in my chest like it was my heart and now I have to take medication each day to prevent heart problems down the track. I feel abit alone like alot of people wouldn’t understand me or what I’m going through mentally. An I’m struggling day to day at this point. I thought I’d post here to see if I could find people who relate in ways or to make some possible friends with schizophrenia and similar mental health issues. Anyway. If you have taken the time to read this. Thank you for listening.
Sorry you’re struggling so much.
Do you take any APs?
Can your doctor prescribe you something for insomnia?
I would try melatonin for your sleep issues
(Goldenrex) i was on AP’s for two years. Yes the hallucinations stopped but it did nothing for all my other problems so I stopped a few months back. IV been fine in the hallucination/delusional side of things so haven’t needed AP’s. I saw my doctor recently an I’m having my Anxiety medication dosage upped! But unfortunately have to run my course with old meds before I get the new ones but shouldn’t take long.
(TheCanuk) i have tried melatonin on multiple occasions. Even how many i took. Chewing or swallowing etc. Never seemed to work for me unfortunately!
Hi! I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2018. Sorry you’re going through so much. Let me know if there’s a way to help or connect with what you’re going through!
Thanks Quijas6. Paranoid schizophrenia is terrible. I know what it’s like to have schizophrenia an also be highly paranoid. It’s good to have someone reach out with similar problems. It’s hard when you feel alone. So thank you! If you would like to message me to chat that would be awesome. But also totally up to you. Thank you for reaching out.
Hi! I also have insomnia. I take high dose Zyprexa and also melatonin/lteanin if needed.
I tried The stay awake thing til u fall asleep naturally. I didnt like it But Thats also a way.
Also try a weight blanket and take a walk just before sleep.
I have insomnia. The combination of seroquel, latuda, and hydroxyzine normally can get me at least a few hours of sleep.
Thank you for your input
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