Strange thoughts not exactly delusional?

OK this is hard to explain but I get weird thoughts all the time now, thought I know are not true, bizarre things.

For example I was just thinking that my socks are alive for a couple seconds. I didn’t believe it, I was just thinking it.

Idk I never got these before I was diagnosed? Is it normal or related?


Have you been long on your medication

I was on meds for several years just recently went off

Maybe that’s why


I get them on meds too

Oh I get that all the time! The difference is that when I’m not doing well, they stick in my head until they turn into full blown delusions. When I’m on my meds, I can recognize them and work through them without becoming delusional


I’m glad it’s not just me lol

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Hmm. . .

I Recently Jus Created A Thread On My Delusional Thinking, Perhaps Reality.

That Has Been Haunting Me Hauntingly For Many Years Now.

Sometimes, Those Thoughts May Be Delusions.

Sometimes Not?.

I’m Not A Doctor So I Can’t Tell You For Sure.

All I Know Is…, Sometimes…, Reality…, Can Feel…, Surreal…, Unreal…, And Not So Real. . .


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