Stop, Om, shut up

I’m so exhausted by the gibberish

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I’m near breakdown.
I’m so tired of the same conversations


" Some people with schizophrenia may invent new words (neologisms), repeat a single word or phrase out of context (verbal stereotypy), or use ordinary words to which they attribute a different, special meaning (metonyms)."

I say neologisms, i repeat the same phrases all day, and i use jiu-jitsu as having special meaning.

Might want to look into schizotypal personality.

I have schizophrenia.
Why should I look for schizotypal?

I sing nasty and stupid stuff all the time


Same utterances, questions-answers, games

I hope things are better for you tomorrow. I feel depressed today and will crawl back in my bed.


I hope you get better.
Depression wise I am fine these days.
My antidepressant works


You can still have schizotypal traits. Having schizophrenia doesn’t make you immune to them.

I remember Reading the criteria for schizotypal and one was ‘dresses oddly’. I guess psychiatrists are a part of the fashion police.


If you have schizophrenia, you can’t be schizotypal.
Cos schizotypal is mild, very mild sz

For example, schizotypal has bizarre ideas.
Schizophrenia has bizarre delusions.

My mind is disorganized.
Mayhem. (I love mayhem band, by the way).

“I have said it in my concerts, I know”

“Good friends call me jiu-jitsu,
enemies call me tsukatsáka”

“come on, tell us about you”

“Yes, we know, we are your friends”

Voices talk to me and make me say the same things

“you’re gonna die today.”

just don’t do it man ! dont listen to them youre stonger and stuff

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All they want is attention and they will say anything to get it.

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pornoLouisa is an attention whore.
But also a real whore of Lucifer.
She wants to have sex with me