Having a really hard time getting back on my Cpap after having a sinus infection and the dr felt I had swelling in my neck possibly also restricting my airways making it difficult to breahe and to catch a deep breath still having to sit up in the bed upright on two very firm pillows and although I was propped up the last few nights I woke up lying down on two pillows on my side but paid for it later that morning with me trying to catch my breath.I hope not to go much longer suffering like this wishing this is all over soon.I dont want to die a sudden death from sleep apnea or whatever this illness is or both but know I possibly could die from this or complications from osa if I continue to not use my Cpap facts are facts I was told I could die suddenly from sleep apnea and also read that you can trying hard not to think of that though and think positive thoughts but hard when youre knocking on deaths door breathing is essential to.life and if you cant for some reason get enough air or oxygen you die
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I start using my CPAP tonight for the first time. I hope I’m one of those who get used to the machine right away without any problems.
Good luck! 1515
You won’t die from it. You’ll just have headaches, feel tired, won’t be able to focus etc.