My last therapy session felt extremely awkward. I feel like my therapist thinks that because I’m diagnosed with SZA, I am just totally “crazy” and also retarded.
Like at one point I told her that lately I’ve been focused on dieting and trying to figure out what to eat to help me lose weight. She gave me this very weirdly judgey / exasperated look, so I tried to elaborate.
I started explaining that I had researched the effects of Riseridone on metabolismand weight and that I wanted to be proactive about it.
She cut me off and started lecturing me, “Yes you do like to research don’t you? You research too much. Does Dr. Name tell you not to research?”
So I had to explain that I’m not researching anything weird just how to lose weight on Risperidone, and I explain that low carb whole foods seems to be a good idea. So she asks me if I eat vegetables, and which ones. I tell her I like asparagus, broccoli and spinach.
She retorts, “That’s all?” like I’m an idiot. So I explain that well like I said, I’ve been looking into different things I can be eating and still lose weight.
Then she switches gears and lectures me about exercising, even though I already said that I’ve been going for walks, on errands and with my dog. She tells me I need to walk at least 20 minutes a day. Like what I’ve already said is moot because I’m too crazy to be trusted, I must be lying.
Then she lectures me on how I had better take a walk that day, because the weather is nice and SHE wants to take a walk instead of having to be inside working. I reassure her that I will take a walk after I get my bloodwork done that day.
I can’t tell if she really has stigma up the ass or if she is trying to fluster me on purpose.
She sounds rude and inconsiderate. If I were you I would’ve left her in a huff. Find a new therapist if you can. You need someone who will work WITH you on your journey to recovery, not someone who acts like they have all the answers and you can’t do anything yourself.
I think she just flat out doesn’t want to work with me because I’m not a usual patient for her. I think she specializes in anxiety and depression. It feels like she is trying to “treat” SZA but doesn’t have confidence, so instead it’s like she has to criticize everything I say. I don’t understand why I have to see her in order to see my pdoc.
My last therapist was the same, I highly doubt she had any experience with psychotic disorders. She never knew what to do with me and every session ended up pointless with her asking the same questions each time. Eventually she started cancelling appointments on me until finally I left her. Don’t stay with someone who isn’t experienced, it’s unpleasant for both parties. That’s my two cents.
I couldn’t even get through your whole post I felt too upset…my last therapist was horrible and regularly said things that made me feel like dirt…and that any of my ideas were null and void because of sz. I still feel angry when I think about him. Please find a new therapist, @Turnip! You deserve to be treated well and helped, and that is their job!
you need to report her for unprofessional behavior!
When my last Pdoc was like that, I reported him and he ended up in the Drug rehab center instead of dealing with the mental patients…you know AFTER he was forced to attend a six week curse in sensitivity…
me personally? I would have slapped her, infact my current Pdoc told me flat out if she says something that offends me, to just tell her, yell at her if I feel like it. I like my current Pdoc, besides my monthly meetings, she calls, or has the nurse who checks me in call, once a week to make sure everything is well.
Uh, hello? It’s not a good idea when people go shopping for symptoms, but from what I can see all you’re doing is being proactive about maintaining your health in the face of the adverse effects of your meds. That’s generally viewed as being a responsible healthcare consumer. Your therapist needs a good thump with the Clue Bat.
I don’t think she’s trying to fluster you, she’s just coming from a different place or perspective. Some people believe that weight loss is all exercise, some people think it’s all diet, some both.
I think it’s important to realize that therapists are people too and can be just as idiosyncratic as their patients. As with all relationships it isn’t about agreeing with everything they say or liking everything they say, it’s about learning from each other and getting along.
Walking out of relationships just because you don’t agree isn’t always a sign of strength. It can be a sign of immaturity and weakness, I’d stick it out and maybe even tell her how what she said made you feel.