I was indoctrinated to the fact, in a material sense, that I was the problem.
I take a bunch of drugs to make me treated and acceptable.
I am a drug addict and I am such because I intend not to be a martyr for any pyramid scheme.
But I am.
I’ve ben dragged out, even my genitals questioned, to the top of the myan sacrifice zone. My father draged me heree, to prove that salvation is only found in hard work and sacrifce. This is contrary to the supposed word of the Great Spirit, which proclaims in the hearts of all beings, “i do not delight in blood sacrifice or smoke offerings”.
Without a vision my brothers and sisters perish. Their own, not mine. If we decide to communicate at any level, let us begin with division and conflict. There is no sense of the holistic or community, unless we process all of our divisions and ■■■■. Its really ■■■■■■■ funny to me, in personal conversation most of us agree. But of course the voices are really bad, hearing even a good few, is a mental illness, and hearing is Such A Hard Experience. Listening and being, is such a helll, I doubt I am able to maintain the runners high, it won’t let me unless I keep the him, the her, and the liminal, in play. If take my boy or girl, if you take my liminal people, if you harm the intention of being , I will be like a theif in the ecology, I rob you not only of your books and facts, but also your hopes as you have done to my people with that treatment.