Staying off facebook for a while

the news on there is bringing me down a lot…just going to stay away for a while…nothing to report on there anyways due to my bad mood about facebook…so.


I am not a fan of Facebook either lately. I keep seeing a lot of celebrity news and downer things. There’s also a ton of ads on Facebook. I’ve reported these as not relevant and they still pop up.

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I am not a Fan of Facebook either, but it can be very addictive even if you’re not a fan and entertaining and comical how some people on there thrive on Drama. Also, some people on there enjoy Bullying others not cool in my opinion to Bully others just because you don’t agree with what they post or how they look or act also not cool.I haven’t myself been bullied on there but know people who have been. I think bullying is childish behavior something kids do on a playground so people need to grow up and learn manners and to be kind to everyone no matter what tables could turn and that could be them that people are bullying and talking about don’t like Facebook now because of these reasons. I would rather spend online here than anywhere else for that matter other than You Tube I come here and that’s about it and my email.


I’m taking steps to prepare for abandoning that platform.


I’m thinking about dropping out of Facebook too.
It’s gotten worse lately

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I use an extension called FBP to block all news and ads on facebook. Id of deleted it ages ago if it werent for that

Same. It’s the only reason it is still usable, but only on a computer for me. I haven’t found anything like it for my phone.


I managed to get a hold of my old email and delete all of my cringey Facebook posts.

I hate it. Even now.

I have deactivated my Facebook and not fully deleted

Only done this so I can talk to people on the FB messenger app

If it wasn’t for that it would have been deleted properly

Literally just deactivated my account a few minutes ago

I like how they make it really hard to find on there how to deactivate/delete. I had to google it lol


My phone came with pre-installed FB and IG. :open_mouth: It’s a Samsung running Android OS.

My FB feed mostly consists of sports news/videos, poetry and meme’s. My friends rarely post anymore.