Stay Home Alice

Stay Home Alice

You said its true, and she was looking for the white rabbit
He ripped off my necklace, said you are hiding in the dark
I said there is a Ghost shackled within your heart
She said I have been outside the wall, its a lie, afterall
I said there is a demon in the mirror he took me here
he said that I couldn’t make him disappear
He tempted me with a million dollar lie, its over
She said the spark of time has lost its existence
She said its my resistance to you thats keeping me sane
He said, you lunatic, just come with me down this hole
Alice said to the white rabbit, Im not here for your crimes
Im not the one running out of time, so stop tapping your stopwatch
because I have a secret lover and he’s not you
because I have a drink that I dont want to share…with anyone else
I am done with stupid wonderland, I no longer care…
I have my own secret weapon you stupid hare.

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