I’m creating this thread for you to share an interesting fact that you know that others might be interested in. I’ll start.
Despite popular belief, fingernails don’t continue to grow after you die.
I’m creating this thread for you to share an interesting fact that you know that others might be interested in. I’ll start.
Despite popular belief, fingernails don’t continue to grow after you die.
If a sea slug’s head gets cut off,
It grows a new body.
How bizarre.
Clark Gable killed a pedestrian in a hit and run.
MGM paid a guy to take the fall for it.
Isn’t that the guy in your pic?
Originally Superman couldn’t fly. He could only “leap tall buildings in a single bound”. So basically he could just jump real high .
He’s my favorite actor.
Alaska is the state that is farthest north, west, and east in the U.S.
Napoleon was of average height for men in his time.
No one really knows how old the pyramids of Egypt are.
oh God, here come the flames. I hope you don’t get my thread shut down with that one. Might get a few arguments started there.
The sun is not stationary, it rotates!
Keep the religion out of it please especially in a thread of interesting facts.
Debbie Reynolds had no dance experience before Singing in the Rain.
Filming on the set of Titanic was so hellish that a crew member poisoned the whole crew and cast with PCP.
A lot of people had to go to the hospital.
Vivian Leigh was bipolar.
It was suspected that she began having symptoms after she suffered a miscarriage while filming for a movie (she slipped and fell).
Seneca, the much vaunted stoic philosopher, was also a corrupt and greedy businessman who at the time of his death was the wealthiest man in Rome. I guess only a true stoic would kill himself under such favourable conditions.
Your cuticles shrink.
Hedy Lamar, a successful and popular Hollywood actress in the 1930’s and 1940’s and one of the most beautiful women in the world also was an inventor who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today’s WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems.
Audie Murphy who was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood in Westerns for 20 years in the 40’s and 50’s was also one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off a company of German soldiers for an hour in France in January 1945, then leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition.
Sharks existed before trees