Starting to count my cigarettes as of now

So, as promised I plan to quit smoking in the new year. I’m going to try to reduce one cigarette a week starting at 10 a day as of right now. I have been smoking around 15 a day so this is a significant reduction right off the bat. This was @LilyoftheValley 's suggestion on how to quit I think so, thank you, I am trying your method.

If this doesn’t work, I will probably try Chantix next but I am hopeful that this method will do the trick. I am determined to quit this year one way or another.


I had an app that you can use as a smoking cessation aid. You press a + sign every time you have a smoke, and it tells you on your phone how much less crap is in your body

Didn’t work for me, but might for you?

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I wouldn’t mind having a little extra motivation. Do you remember the name?

It was on Apple App store, but you should find it on android if you don’t have an iPhone

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Thanks. I’ll see if I can find it on my phone.

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You might find the stats useful.

If you enter in the amount it costs you to buy etc, and the type you smoke there are a lot of things it can tell you

I paid 0.99 for it I think


Did it come up on your phone @Bowens ?? I am sure there will be others.

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I haven’t had any luck finding it for android, but I found multiple other quit smoking apps. I haven’t really found one that counts the number of cigarettes though…still searching.

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I hope you find one you like.

The idea is pretty solid to be able to do the tracking like that

It also tells you how long ago you had a cigarette

When I was cutting down I used to check that to see when I could have my next one

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Your lungs are going to thank you once you quit. We all believe in you Bowens! You can do it man! @Bowens


Thanks @TheCanuk

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I’m rooting for you Bowens! I think you have the motivation to do it and that is important if you seriously want to quit. I think your mind is in the right place for it.


I found an app for counting cigs. It doesn’t have as many features as yours it doesn’t look like but should do the trick.

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Thanks @schizophrenisaurus

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You can do it man! Almost anything can be accomplished with the power of the mind.


Good luck with it - I hope it helps you!

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Thanks @Montezuma


Thanks @Joker !

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Good luck! With my method, if I smoked 15 cigarettes per day, I would smoke 14 per day for a whole week and then 13 for a week and so on. But if you can handle cutting down automatically to 10, more power to you. I hope you succeed! Best of luck to you!


I still think that quitting cold turkey is the best method but see if this works for you @Bowens.

At least you are going to make a big effort to quit smoking permanently.

This is what is important.

Remember, lots of water and stay distracted.

The first month is the toughest, then it gets better.

Good luck!

You’ve got this.

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