Started Latuda Today

I’m taking it with my Abilify for a spell…then I’ll be weened off of that and only take latuda.

Just hope it gets rid of my weight gain and fixes my libido. I have to try anyways.

If I start posting that I’m preparing a speech for the United Nations, you’ll know this experiment has been a failure. :wink:


I have to tell you, the genuine good-heartedness that emanates from your delusions has forever endeared you to me. You’re a good egg, Patrick.

Good luck with the Latuda! Glad you got it approved.

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Good luck! I really hope it works for you.

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I’m starting my Draft to the United Nations…

People of Earth!

You may be the 3rd planet from the Sun, but you’ll always be number one in my heart! Next time you look at a bottle of Mr. Clean, think not why is this man bald…instead, think how you best can clean up this world!! And when your peanut butter sandwich falls face down on the kitchen floor, ask not how a God could let this happen…instead resolve to use the 2 second rule…pick it up and begin eating it anyways. For it is in this selfless act that you will find true salvation. Ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? Well, we’ll just call this one The Peanut Butter Effect!!

That’s what I’ve got so far!

Eh?Huh? So whadda ya think??


I’m on Latuda. I’ve been on it about four years. I take it at night. I’m on 120mgs. The only side effect I can see is feeling slightly groggy. I hope you take to it.
Did you clean your kitchen with Mr. Clean? Is that why you could eat the fallen peanut butter sandwich?


I’m in the crowd, holding my THINK PEANUT BUTTER THINK PATRICK signboard high.



And when your neighbour drops by to borrow a cup of sugar…it doesn’t matter that he’s going to put that sugar in your gas tank after you fall asleep!! And when your car doesn’t start in the morning, don’t hate your neighbour!! It was the sugar’s fault!!!

(Holy geeze! This script is writing itself!! Somebody call 911…I’m on FIRE,baby!!)



I’m starting on 20mg of latuda…then upping it to 40mg after one week. We’ll see…

Thanks all for the suppotive words!

lol! @Rhubot’s comment! :slight_smile:

Not to discourage you or anything but according to my psychiatrist, Latuda makes people lose weight…but I gained 30 pounds on it.

Good luck with the new med @Patrick

I’ve been on Latuda for over a year now. I personally haven’t noticed any side effects, but that may be because I also take Benztropine. I actually lost a little bit of weight with it. Good luck @Patrick!!!

good luck with latuda, I’ve been on it for almost four years, but I’ve been on other meds too. I find latuda helps a lot with the mood symptoms at least for me it does. i’m also taking Haldol more so for positive symptoms.

Latuda can still make you gain weight because it hit the 5ht2c receptor but it’s currently the best med for weight loss out there. The lack of h1 atagonism really gives you energy.