Starry, Starry, Night

And now I think I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free

But they would not listen
They’re not listening still
Perhaps they never will


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Pretty good!!..

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You have great taste in music. Classic!

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Vincent’s life showed us that the price of creativity is usually high.

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Well, actually Crimby, his madness might have had nothing to do with his creativity and vice-versa. Or if it did it was in a circumspect way, according to some scholars. A popular theory as to what caused his illness was that the paints he used for his art contained lead, and for a long period of time he inhaled the lead fumes which resulted in lead poisening which supposedly (depending on who you want to believe) was the cause of his madness. So yes, technically, his art caused his madness.

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A lot of painters back then led unstable lives. They were usually done in by syphilis and alcoholism. Except for Gaugin, who went to a south sea island to indulge his sexual desires among the native women in his old age. A lot of creative people that I know about were very nearly mad. The image of the great writer drinking himself to death is almost a cliche.