One of the loaders at my store has Aspberger’s, and the other cashiers talk about him behind his back. They’re not overtly mean about it, but they adopt this really condescending tone. He has been stressed out lately, and they’re saying he needs to get his meds adjusted, and talking to the manager about him. He is doing his job perfectly well. They act concerned, but it sounds like they just like feeling better than someone.
And I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I said that if someone is going through a stressful time, all the meds in the world won’t help them. What they need is support and understanding. And I said I would know, because when I am stressed, my meds don’t work as well. That got them off the topic of him, but now I have a million questions to answer. They know I had a bad concussion at my last job, and that I’m only cleared to work part time by my doctor. I didn’t get into specifics yet. But I figure, I may as well answer their questions honestly, because if I don’t they will just talk about me behind my back and make random guesses about my life.
There was no real point to this post. It was just something on my mind, so I felt the need to share it.