I have this current and constant “delusion” that i can pick up on spiritual energy from other people, especially those who are hyper-religious. Anyone similar?
This is an issue for me too. It gets worse the sicker I get.
Yea me idk what it is tbh in the process of figuring it out still
Being able to sort if lock on to people, or perhaps voices that merely sound like people I know
Hmm?. . .
Spirituality, Energy, Wiring Circuits That Keep Us On The Theatrical Stage Known As Reality.
A Voice, Perception, Illusions, The Birds In The Sky, And The Fish In The Sea. . .
I Don’t Know You.
You Will Never Know Me.
1 2 3
To Be,
Or Not To Be.
Alone, Or With Endless Dreams.
I Tried, I Live, And I Will Always Breathe.
A Walk On, Every Sharp Blade Of Grass Whispers. That The Answers Are Within, , ,
The Trees!. . .
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
Appreciate the posts guys!
Np bro sorry don’t mean to trigger you or anything
Yes that describes one of my delusions almost exactly.
A lot of “spiritual” people will have this kind of thinking anyway. Fine lines, I guess.
What exactly do you mean by spiritual energy,?
I used to think a female demon that talked to me in my head and wanted to adopt me gave me a dark aura to protect me.
@SKYGAZER I used to go jogging very late a night in parks and believed that I was being protected by a spirit
I thought thats why people coudnt read my thoughts anymore and i was insulting all the voices that made me suffer still thinking they were real, but it was the medication but i still could comunicate with the demon without hearing her, it would be pretty badass to have actual entities protecting you.
For me currently on my meds, its as if i hear a high static pitch noise every time i go near highly religious persons (esp in my family). Crazy i know lol. Now i believe everybody has an aura surrounding them, good or bad.
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