So im stable in economy, i work part time. im always thinking if i should save or i should spend. I think if i want to buy a house or flat in The future i should save because Thats real expensive. but life is short, i could spend money on massage, food, live The good life. How do you think about this?
I have a home so I’m lucky, although we can’t really afford it. I put money aside every month to pay for bday presents and Christmas presents for our family
Why cant you afford it
We went into debt and refinanced. Now we owe more per month and it’s really hard to buy other necessities with the cost of the mortgage
Save for a rainy day, here it’s pouring
I saved hard when I lived with my parents and got my own place.
I work full time, so being single I can just about afford it.
I have a very good spreadsheet that tells me what I save and spend, and it shows me a rolling 6 months ins and outs so I can plan for big expenses and not have to worry about money
I learnt a long time ago that unorganised finances can be a real hard thing to manage, so I am very strict with money but still allow purchases when needed or wanted
Don’t ever skimp on food. The massages however you could do without. I personally eat what I like and save at least a few hundred bucks each month to put away for the future. It’s not much, but for someone on my income it’s something.
If I can quit smoking I’ll be able to save an additional 200 dollars a month. Food is more important than cigs… I could be door dashing almost every day for what the cigarettes cost.
I’m always a fan of saving, but not at the expense of decent food. Eating badly will screw you over in ten or fifteen years.
The message parlor I go to always gets shut down. They are shut down right now. I eat well. Spend a lot of money on food.
I just ordered a ribeye and lobster but I already own two houses because I am a veteran and bought them with no money down. I can’t save at all. Would still be renting if it weren’t for that.
I spend money like water.
The best outcome is to have customers give you their money for the products you sell or the services you provide. The revenue earned or cash-flow income allows one to spend what’s available in the drawing account as an expense in the income statement.
Saving is a good way to accumulate some capital but really not the best way to earn your wealth.
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