Just spare a thought, there suffering big time
Yeah …
Don’t have to virtue signal charity to various interest groups though, it’s kind of pointless being too spread out. If you’re going to help, concentrate on the help for one or two causes. Free market solutions are best, charity just tends to beget more of the same (subsidizing the problem.)
There are only so many causes a person focuses on, and everyone’s asking.
I gave $35 to wayside chapel.
I’m not giving anymore for a year or so.
I’m a member of some charities and have to pay yearly membership.
I know some people who were homeless.
One of them could of lived with his parents but refused and rather be homeless.
He ended up living in a room on a boat for homeless people.
They got great food he said leftovers from restaurants.
The other guy slept in a swag and said it kept him warm even winter time.
He lit fire and ate can foods.
Another guy made himself homeless despite owning a home.
I love him but he is a really bad man and he was jealous of me because I could afford to live in the neighbourhood because I got cheaper rent but he couldn’t afford to live here.
You can’t have a boyfriend who is jealous of you.
He tried to live with me for free but my land lady said no.
He lived on a mattress in his garage with his poor dog that he would lock in the garage when he went out.
Best sex, passionate, charming and funny but not a very nice person and he lied about me etc and he is supposed to be a good Christian yeah right.he killed s dog for barking once.
It would be awful to have positive symptoms and be homeless specially Christmas time.
Sending them my love and good wishes and a nice bed to sleep in and nourishing food etc
My friend hated living on the homeless shelter which was a boat with tiny rooms.
He said drug addicts were noisy and disturbing and up all night and scary people too.
I could have let my friend in Sweden live with me but didn’t offer because he was pretty destructive with smoking and drugs and alcohol and I had just quit smoking.
I had to protect myself from destructive behaviour and I knew he could live with his parents but he didn’t want to.
He even had his own floor at their place so definitely plenty of space.
I don’t feel guilty about not taking him in.
I expect to become homeless in years to come unless I find a good job. I can get food from local vishnuist community, at least once a week. I even tried to become their acolyte. I failed. Mostly because of schizophrenia, but there are other issues as well. I am glad they still allow me in. I think my best bet is to get employed by their wider organisation as a software developer or system administrator, but it is really all wonky. They are the only people who don’t trigger all of my schizophrenia buttons.
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