
I was spanked, but not excessively. I don’t think it hurts if a parent does a little moderate bottom swatting. It is important for a parent to be consistent in their discipline. If a child gets time outs for reasons he doesn’t understand that can be damaging too.

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Depends if it was excessive and actual paddles and switches were used. Not just the bottom either…I got the wooden spoon across my hand a few times, and the switch would get my arms and back if I ran from it. I resisted the switch and always tried to escape its lash…at age 12 I tore the switch away and tossed it, so was not switched after that. In those days even teachers could threaten and use a belt! Not so today.

My Mom even had this contraption they sold around 1970

I can’t imagine teachers getting away with spanking children! Imagine the lawsuits if something like that happened today!

@Bipolar_Bear if by spanking you mean the punishment that some parents do to their child/children, yes, I was spanked when I was young by my mother, and I felt humiliated.

Did your parents do it in public? Or just at home? Also at what age did they stop?

My mother did that at home, but it hurt and I felt humiliated as I said. She stopped doing this at about the age of 13, when I became a teenager.

WOW, that’s a very late age to be spanked! My parents stopped when I was around 6 years. I have very little memory of it because they stopped so early.

Perhaps it was when I was 10 or 11, I don’t remember. Anyway, I really hated this. Everytime I was afraid of getting spanked, parents SHOULDN’T do this to their children.

Is it common in the EU for children to be spanked nowadays? Some reason I always thought of spanking as old fashioned and more of an american conservative thing.

I don’t know, maybe it is…

I don’t ever remember getting spanked and I know my parents never spanked my siblings.

My head circus just started amping up when I was 9 and 10. I remember things from 7 and 8 that I can look back on NOW… and say… “Oh… that should have been a sign”
What 8 year old keeps those sorts of tabs on their health?

I think I really started to just loose it around 14. Our house caught on fire and my sis and I ended up in a burn unit for a bit… after that… my cousin introduced me to alcohol… after that… then he introduced me to drugs… by then the head circus train had left the station.