Sore throat and cough

I’m worried I might have Covid. I’m vaccinated but I haven’t gotten my booster shot yet and I’m really worried. Getting a Covid test done this afternoon


Let us know how it goes …

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I hope you are in the clear @RottenApple

I’m losing faith fast when it comes to these Covid experts and the information they are feeding me on vaccine efficacy.

They are really driving down a desolate dark road blindfolded.

It’s becoming more apparent that these scientists and pharmaceutical big wigs are stumped when it comes to coronavirus and how effective the vaccines really are.

We are floating aimlessly in uncharted waters.


I disagree. 98% to 99% of Americans dying of the coronavirus are unvaccinated:

As for variants, viruses do mutate (just like the flu mutates), but we’ve been able to respond to variants very quickly, and I think it’s reasonable to believe that we will be able to respond to variants even faster in the near future.

Again, the vaccines are highly effective.


Hopefully you’re ok. My youngest is sick with a sore throat and congestion. She tested negative for Covid and we think she has the flu which is going around right now


Not for immunocompromised people.


This article says that the vaccines are 77% effective for people who are immunocompromised; I would call that highly effective. 100% effectiveness is not the immediate goal, but 77% protection is much better than no protection:


Tell me something @anon16583342
In your opinion do you think it’s safe for me and my father who is 87 years old and has a form of blood cancer (immunocompromised) to attend a family gathering of more than 25 people this Christmas Eve?
Both me and my father are fully vaccinated including booster shots.
Most of the people attending are vaccinated as well.
I personally don’t think it’s a good idea but my father wants to attend.
The gathering will take place indoors at my brothers house.


Probably not a good idea.

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It’s never going to be 100% safe, so I’d recommend you and your father wear a mask. Other than that, I think it’s safe enough to attend.


Thanks @everhopeful

Thanks @anon16583342

I’m going to try to convince him not to go but he’s stubborn as a mule.

My brother is not helping matters either.

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We plan on wearing masks and spending our time there in a separate room (bedroom) for the majority of time there. @anon16583342
If we decide to attend.

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If you don’t mind me asking, how important is going to this gathering for your father? If it’s not important to your father or you, then don’t go, but if it’s very important to both of you, especially your father, then you should go (wear a mask).

Of course it’s both of your decisions to make.

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It’s not important to me and I don’t think we should go.
This could be my fathers last Christmas, he’s 87 years old and he wants to go.
It’s ultimately up to my father and brother.
I don’t have much sway here.

But he’s agreed to wear a mask.

Thanks @anon16583342

You’ve eased my mind a bit.

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Update: I tested negative for COVID-19. Makes me wonder what I’m actually sick with now

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