This is one that I wrote just a few years after quitting drinking
@zwolfgang @Bowens @SkinnyMe @anon8091425
Listen to Only Grace by David Cragg (Cragger) on #SoundCloud
This is one that I wrote just a few years after quitting drinking
@zwolfgang @Bowens @SkinnyMe @anon8091425
Listen to Only Grace by David Cragg (Cragger) on #SoundCloud
Sounded great, as always, @Cragger !
Thanks @Bowens . I can always count on you to listen, and a good review
Very good!! I really like it
Thanks @FatMama
I love the song. Although your voice isn’t too, too bad, it’d be nice if a major singer/artist would take up your song. Just being honest.
Yes, I agree @SkinnyMe . I’m not really a singer to begin with, and this is just slightly out of my high range to pull off properly
I think as musician is excelent music and lyrics!
Thanks @anon22846033 . You are a musician yourself?
Yes, guitar from elementary, but I don’t play. Just guessing chords on music
It’s just one of those good old G, D and C songs, with an Em thrown in for good measure
Sounds interesting, I thought the bridge had more chords…
No, the chords are just arranged differently during the chorus
G, D, C, G… G, D, C, Em begining
You’ve got it
Very good @Cragger!
I like your voice too!
Very authentic and heartfelt!
Thank you so much. That is always what I am going for in my music. Even if it’s not perfect, I want it to be heartfelt. This is why I love Neil Young so much, it is the fact that he is imperfect that makes it beautiful, his vulnerability
I also liked it. Very well done.
I listened to your song and like it. I quit drinking too but never had a real problem because I could never drink much without getting sick. I gave up drugs too 26 years ago. I like the accompanying harmonica. I always put off guitar practice because I have so much time I see no need to hurry but you can put it off till you don’t want to play. I have a suggestion for you: when voices won’t let you play, then play hymns. What do you think? I’ve personally never played guitar for devotional practice, but I have some gospel sheet music. I’m an agnostic with a serious resentment toward the Supreme Being.
I’m glad you liked it. And happy to hear that you have walked away from drugs and alcohol. It can be a very destructive force in one’s life
I need to make myself practice every day. I’m not always inspired, but I am afraid of losing my Edge if I don’t. You should pick it up, just to have fun
I can definitely understand that. My thoughts on the topic are probably not the same as others, though I appreciate the recommendation to listen to hymns. I do love some of them, but not all