Sometimes When You're Happy People Won't Like You

That’s just the impression I get from the way you are expressing yourself. As for the term “manic” I think it means a period of heightened mood likely to cause destructive behavior. If there wasn’t a downside I wouldn’t worry about it, but with a lot of people there is a subsequent drop of mood that is pretty rough. If it wasn’t for that I’d tell you to ride your pink cloud for all it is worth.

<<<>>>…<.>…No More Toxic Friendships…<.>…<<<>>>
<<<>>>…<.>…No More Toxic Relationships…<.>…<<<>>>
<<<>>>…<.>…No More Toxic Thoughts…<.>…<<<>>>
<<<>>>…<.>…Only ‘Toxic’ (By) Britney Spears…<.>…<<<>>>

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Daily Reminder #0.7) <<<>>>Faith in Stepping Stones Forever of Loving Rain<<<>>>

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(((Five Dimensional Space—Actions in Movement Moving Gravity in Core Movement)))

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