Sometimes I wonder

About the people who disappear from the site.

Are they doing better or worse? Or did they just lose interest. I’m sure it’s a mix.


I think some get better and leave…others tank.

I’m in a position right now where I don’t feel I need to be here anymore…but I’ve made a lot of acquaintances…and I’d miss them.

I post sporadically now. I still have a toe in the pool! :slight_smile:


I think it would be encouraging to us if there were people who don’t post anymore that come back online and say they are doing really well.


That would be great. I love when people come back to say they’ve been doing well. It’s inspiring.


Glad to hear you’re doing well @Patrick.

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I definitely think that this site is triggering when your illness is very bad
Too ill to participate or too busy working maybe?

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Idk I went for years without coming on. I just had other things I was doing. No real reason. I think people just start doing other things.

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I can relate, This site was triggering to me when I was feeling bad so I left for a couple of months. But it is nice to be back.


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