When I started cutting my hair , I felt a rush. About a week or two later I went to the barber shop. I deleted everything on my phone, photos,journal entries from last year. I don’t want any reminders or past karmic energy based on the past. I was even debating with the whole sz thing like isn’t this a reminder of myself?
Run all you’d like. Your problems will catch up with you. How? You create them.
Those problems turned out to be blessings.
It was more appreciated since I didn’t always have that solution . It’s like a little change/ money can spark some joy in a homeless person , no matter what his problems are. In the end problems are non existent. I highly doubt I won’t be stressing About materialistic things in the after life. If it is one idk
the things that keep you from feeling happy and fulfilled (as though there aren’t important things missing from your life) are problems. and they are real.
You know you are right.
In my case it’s teeth lol
Mental stimulation is separate from a “rush.” You appear to have evaded responsibilities from unfinished emotional business. Keep-up with your thoughts. Affirm yourself on the topics of love. Here’s an example, “Even though I don’t love (insert here) about me, I won’t allow it to conflict with today’s goals.”