Sometimes I see emotion

I mean this more metaphorically. I am highly empathetic. If I’m not careful I have a hard time distinguishing between my own emotions and somebody else’s. To make it easier to process my brain will sometimes imagine emotions as colors.

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I have that, too. I have synesthesia. I see and feel emotions and sensations like colors and shapes. I feel music, I don’t hear it. And I have something called sequence-space synesthesia, which is actually really interesting. You see time as laid out in physical space around you.

Well I’d say yiu see more than I do

Im not sure that I feel music. Maybe. Certain songs give me a certain emotion and sometimes I smell a certain smell when I listen to certain songs. And some songs give me goosebumps.

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That’s a little different than me. I literally feel it under my skin. Usually in my arms, and particularly in the back of my neck. That’s how it gets in. Then it fills up my whole body, and it does cause an emotional response, but it’s not any one emotion in particular. Just an overwhelming sense of sense. Which is why sometimes it’s just too intense for me to listen to music and I need quiet.


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