Sometimes I get a bothering, troublesome thought

I feel like I’m getting away with something just because I’m able to work. It’s like I feel that I am scamming people because I can take classes, work, and drive all over. Does anyone else think this about themselves? Maybe it’s survivors guilt.


Yeah it’s the impostor syndrom

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Someone posted something about that a couple of months ago.

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good on you for being able to do those things…and being a survivor :trophy:
not to mention a good role model to others. :heart:
take care :alien:


i can’t do anything like that and I feel like a scam artist.

Some days I think maybe I’ve never had an actual hallucination. Like maybe I imagined it all to get attention or something.

I feel guilty sometimes when I see homeless people talking to themselves.

Yes I feel this too although I am not coping with work very well at the moment.

I work.I drive. And no, I don’t feel like I’m scamming anybody. For without my meds, I’d be shaking my fist at the satellite cameras in the sky and throwing rocks at outdoor drive-in movie screens.

(Two things I’ve done in the past)

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Impostor syndrome , wow i am glad there is a name for it. I feel the same way. gonna look into it.