When I came back from Ukiah to stay with my ex there was this woman neighbor hanging around at first. She was all chummy, chummy with my ex. Very shortly after I came she stopped coming around. As soon as I stopped spending the night over at my ex’s place she started coming back around again. The other night when I made dinner she called for a ride to the grocery store just about the time dinner was going to be ready. And last night when my ex made dinner she was there until dinner was served. Today she asked him to help her rearrange her kitchen cabinets. I don’t trust her motives. It seems like she’s always asking for something. But I might just be jealous.
Do you still have feelings for your ex Maybe?
So what’s the worst that could happen?
I don’t have sexual feelings towards my ex anymore. But I love him and I don’t want to see him taken advantage of or hurt in any way. And I don’t want to lose our friendship.
The worst that could happen is she could hurt him in some way.
He’s your ex, you have no right to tell him who he can or can’t see lol, sounds like you still have feelings.
Well, yeah. Or viceversa he could hurt her. Or inflict mutual damage. Or get along just fine. To avoid meeting new people out of fear of getting hurt only leads to isolation and later to regrets.
For starters, you could ask your ex what he thinks of her.
I thought that might be the case. You’re a good friend for looking at it for him
I just worry because he’s the nicest guy you’ll ever meet and I don’t want to see him taken advantage of. But he’s a grown man and I guess it’s not my job to protect him.
Hey, nothing wrong with looking out for a friend
I’m just going to be honest. I think you’re jealous and want your ex to stay single because you haven’t gotten over him. You still are in love with him. I don’t think that lady is doing anything wrong.
Heck, he’s a big boy, he’s been married. He knows the score.
I guess it’s kind of complicated for you…having feelings for him still…even though it’s not sexual it would probably hurt my feelings a little if that happened to me.
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