Something scary happened and I'm home alone

I was just sitting here being sad about the loss of my mother in law.

Today would be her birthday.

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of her death.

So it’s just kind of a shitty day so my husband went to get us donuts.


I’m sitting in the living room and hear the mancave TV click on.

It started playing music from my husband’s spotify account.

Flipped through a few songs, flipped back to the first one and stopped.

I was hoping the remote was on the couch and one of the dogs was dancing on it or something.

But the remote was on the kitchen counter, undisturbed.

I don’t like that.

What do you think it could have been?


That’s creepy as hell, I’d probably freak out a little if that happened. Sorry, I have no advice other than just hang in there til your husband gets home. Maybe go to one of your coping mechanisms if you are feeling triggered/paranoid?

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Random signal from a similar device. My electronic pest repellent goes off every time the nextdoor neighbors front door rings.


Weird, is there any kind of timer on the TV that was set? Could’ve been a power surge too?

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I remember when I was younger living with my parents the tv would occasionally turn itself on by itself. It’s probably just electronic interference. Like if some neighbour is using a remote control it can interfere other devices unintentionally.

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I’d be freaked, but it was probably a random signal. Maybe someone close by had their window open and has the same thing.


It means nothing at all…

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I agree with iconclast_01 and ZombieMombie. It was likely just a signal from another device. I have had the spare TV that I used to have in my bedroom come on without me turning it on as well.

I don’t know what happened but hopefully your husbands back by now and you definitely deserve two donuts after that bullcrap.

Sometimes weird sh*t happens, check out this story…

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That’s freakin’ creepy.

Are you ok??

I like what @iconoclast_01 and @anon4362788 and @Bowens said.

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One of the dogs hit the remote by accident.
Try not to read into it too deeply @Charles_Foster

It’s nothing supernatural.

I know thats a trigger for you.

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Sometimes Spotify accidentally plays from another device when I am trying to use it, because it was the last one I used as my playback device. It can be awkward. Maybe ask your husband if he was trying to use spotify,or if he had shared his account with someone who was trying to use it?

I had an aunt whose tv came on every time she brought this certain chain into her living room. Kinda strange, but nothing to worry about.

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smart tv!!!

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