Something New To Do Online?

Is it me or is the internet getting boring??? I’ve lost a lot of trust in it and nothing seems secure or easy, e mail bills are just a big pain in the butt, passwords drive me crazy, (well I am crazy) so need a new thing to do ???


I vaguely remember what us old folks did on account of no internet…dirt clod wars…climbing trees…riding bikes in the rain…


Tackle football in the park on weekends. But I think we’re a little old for this stuff now, lol.


It’s not just you, the internet is indeed getting boring. I just see it as functional now. I need it for certain things, but I don’t really enjoy it anymore.

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I think its because we have overloaded ourselves with any number of topics and can do so almost instantly and just about anywhere…leaving us easily bored and harder to entertain…