Something I like

Walking to my shop, I usually pass through a little garden. It has a lot of osmanthus fragrans planted along the walking path. I just love the fragrance. Will go out earlier tommorrow to stay in the garden for a while. It’s a bit cool in the breeze under the warm sun shine. Very nice weather. Have lost the ability to feel good about the environment for sometime. If the technology allows, I would love to record the floral fragrance and share with u.

Tonight I tried something new. I have tomatoes with mozzarella. My colleague says it is really good. So I looked at how they made it in the shop and served myself some at home. really delicious.


If it weren’t for flowers everywhere I’d go would just be dead.

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I love the parks and gardens here. Cherry Blossom row on by the water is my favorite spot when in bloom. Just yards of Cherry Blossoms. :cherry_blossom:


I like walking through the metro parks during normal work hours in bad weather because i’ll be the only one there and have that feeling of being alone in nature.

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I used to like to walk in the winter time for the same reasons. Nature has a restorative quality.

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i like to walk my dogs in the forests and moorland close to my home, especially in the autumn when all the leaves are a myriad of colours. it’s great being out in nature then. not so keen in summer when it’s really hot then i wait until the evening to take them so they don’t overheat. i love where i live!


There is a forest near my house and i love walking my dogs through it. there is a little creek that trickles down the middle and the plants and animals call it home it is truly beautiful seeing the ferns uncurl. Then on the way back there is a church that has a field that never gets muddy even when it rains and they love running off their leashes through the grass. I love nature and all of it’s glory. :slight_smile:

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I like sitting on a river behind some trees and watch the busy birds catching bugs to feed their babies in the spring time.


Is $35.00 expensive for a pack of seeds? :tomato:

Heirloom Tomato Pack :tomato:


Try here:

My new toy in the garden is “Triple Crown” thornless black berries.

Love these things.

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I love blackberries. Must be very interesting to grow your own. :muscle: