Something I encountered

I was walking down the street when I came to a dead end. At the end of the street there was this metal prefab building surrounded by stacks and stacks of wooden palates - dry, well ventilated wood. Right next to the wooden palates was tank full of natural gas, surrounded by these puddles of oily solvent. At the time I interpreted it to be deliberate. I thought that someone had figured out I would be walking down that street, and they put a huge fire hazard where I would see it, hoping that I would set off a fire there. There were a lot of wood frame houses in the neighborhood next to this fire hazard. Instead I warned three businesses and two fire stations about the fire hazard. Finally a fire truck came out and looked at it. They looked at me like I was crazy, and they were right, but that place was still a fire hazard. They shouldn’t let them put stacks and stacks of dry, well ventilated wood next to residential neighborhoods.


I see danger and hazards everywhere too and can cause harm.


I guess there is stuff like that in a lot of places. If they look too dangerous they should be reported.

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I think you did the right thing. You were concerned for others’ safety and called to make sure no one would get hurt.


Sounds like it makes common sense to me.

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