Something about this old picture

I drew this about a year ago and something about this page just resonates with me…


Love the colored part. The bird (?) is also cool.

Penguin… I was going through a phase…


Very good drawings, you’re really talented.

Oh god no! At least not these! Hold on I find something better!

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best i can get to at the moment


Oh wow. That’s amazing yeah!

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Wish I could draw. My sort skills are terrible. My mate works for Damien hirst. He is a photorealistic painter.

To me the ability to draw well is like magic - I have troubles doing a stick man.

That’s awesome! What does your friend do?

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Not 100% sure. He works alongside a few dozen artists who all work under Damien hirst. He still does stuff on the side.

He works 9 till 5 for Damien hirst. I find this kinda funny as I assume artist keep funny schedules. I mean maybe staying up all night when inspiration hits etc. My friend likes his work though.

Yeah a lot of big named artists keep workers now, I find it weird though, shouldn’t they be the ones working solo? It kinda takes the point out of the whole Art piece thing…

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Suppose everyone needs to pay the bills. At the very least it would be great job experience.

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I know, I know. I’m kind of a critic about the whole contemporary art scene. Don’t take me too seriously :smile:

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Sorry if my last post seemed at bit pointed. Didn’t mean it to be! Keyboard communication can be a bit funny sometimes.

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Oh no, I got it :slight_smile: No worries

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My avatar was done by a digital artist buddy of mine. He does my logos for my musician page on

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Art, music, politics and business are all run the same way many times it seems. Production by committee, accolades and recognition to the top. By the way @Teo, good abstract work!


My brother (the successful artist) doesn’t have workers or a schedule. He’s totally free. Its funny. You wouldnt be able to tell how rich he is just by looking at him. Even when he lived with us none of us could tell. Then one day, out of the blue, he decided to move to the beach in Sandiego. Artwork and running gallerys is his only income.


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