Hi everyone,
My step-son has been on a rocky road to recovery. The main reason for the bumps have been because of the number of times he stopped taking his medications (we could never get a reason from him as to why he decided to do this).
The really hard, sad truth is that each time a sufferer stops taking medication and has a relapse, more brain cells are destroyed. And according to the medical professionals we spoke to, these cells will never be recovered.
Well, after his last hospitalisation, my step-son was doing very poorly. The psychiatrist told us that he had given my step-son the highest dose of combined medications he could give him, but my step-son was only back up to about 60% of his original, pre-illness state.
We were desperate. My wife called a doctor in Queensland who specialises in the Pfeiffer method; he put us on to sarcosine. My aunt, whose niece also has schizophrenia, put us on to niacin. And our chiropractor said he could help my step-son.
As we started all three treatments simultaneously, I can’t pinpoint any one of these; I truly believe that the speed and level of recovery was because they were done as an holistic treatment.
My step-son got a lot better, but still only to about 70%. Then we moved to Hervey Bay, a coastal town in Queensland (from Melbourne). Our son, in his zeal to discover the town and the groups he could get involved with, wore himself ragged. He was getting himself up at 4am to get to breakfast groups, and not going to sleep until around midnight. He was starting to have a relapse!
So we set some boundaries (he lives with us now): he hands in his phone at night, and bed-time is 9pm. After two months he was at least looking better, the facial grimaces and hand shaking were going, but he still wasn’t great. His speech was slurred and his thoughts very erratic. His best friend’s mum told me that he would appear at their doorstep, unannounced, looking very dehydrated and shaky and sounding almost unintelligible.
And then a BIG breakthrough. We started him on ASEA (which restores cellular health) and after just one week we noticed a change for the better. Now, after almost a month, his positive aspects are very rare, and the negative aspects are almost gone. His speech is clear and his thoughts are logical and rational. His friend’s mum even commented on how much better he is! He is back up to about 90% of his original state.
I can’t suggest more highly these supportive treatments. Find yourself a good TBM chiropractor. Get yourself some sarcosine (we had to ship it in from the USA and get it put into capsules), get niacin (vitamin B3) but NOT niacinamide (that can make matters worse, so be absolutely sure it is natural niacin), you can look up niacin as a treatment for schizophrenia on google. But most importantly, get some ASEA (you can ask me how by responding to this blog). The beauty of ASEA is that it is native to the body, strongly promotes cellular repair and so makes all medications and supplements more effective as the newly healthy cells in your body are better able to make use of the regime you’re on.