Some random photos

These are some photos taken while at my friends🙂


Have you always been pregnant? :joy:

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I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean…

But no I have not lol


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I was joking because 9 months barely pass when you’re expecting :slight_smile:

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Oh okay lol

I thought time was gonna drag on while I was pregnant… but it has seriously flown by

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Nice. When it’s due date? boy or girl?

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She is due December 28th💕

But of coarse she could come a few weeks early or a few weeks late

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Oh nice, close to Christmas. The best gift, a daughter.

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Lol, yup! :sunglasses:

Maybe she will be a “Christmas miracle”

But I am really hoping she is born before or after Christmas!


haha, maybe :thinking:

I can kinda see why you want that, christmas is such a busy time

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Yeah, I would also just like to enjoy Christmas without being in labor🙃

Also it would prolly be lame for her to have her birthday on christmas…

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