Some psycho babble I wrote


light is scarier than the dark. The path of darkness is out of fear;
the path of light is out of love and understanding. It is easier to
be blind to one’s own spiritual sickness and let it fester and grow
than to acknowledge it, fight it, and heal it. This and for other
reasons I see the path of light more difficult and scary than the
path of darkness. The path of darkness is to hide from one’s self and
not to break the cycle of fear, abuse, hatred, destruction, and vice
we’re all practically in as human beings.


blind cannot see in darkness. These words have a significant meaning,
but they’re very hard to understand, and yes, the path of light is
SCARY, make no mistake. You see EVERYTHING wrong with you and it is
hard to HEAL, especially when others around you have the same


attack the fears they have about themselves, whether imagined or
real, and attack those traits they see in other people to validate
themselves. I see it as a broad vicious cycle many people are engaged
in. They once were made to feel a certain way about themselves, to
fear something about themselves was true, whether real or imagined,
so when they see it in other people, once again whether real or
imagined/projection, they attack it and continue the cycle.


vicious cycle of humanity is receiving gratification at someone
else’s expense, such as belittling someone to validate our own
existence. Many of us also DO derive pleasure from hurting someone,
whether psychologically or physically. Furthermore, there is another
vicious cycle. When we understand and love ourselves and do not want
to experience pain, I feel we do not want others to experience it as
well and instead live in acceptance and harmony with other human
beings. which cuts us off from these common earthly pleasures that at
heart are a damaging vicious cycle of humanity. This is difficult to
do and is like fighting an addiction or vice.


here is a way of looking at what the Buddhist would call the
icchantikas (the incurable ones), or from a Christian perspective the
bad seed. I believe the unjust crimes no one notices is when God will
and can step in, in this life or the next. The unpunished is what he
punishes, not the punished, and some punish that which would be
rewarded, turning the circle the other way around (counterclockwise),
liking what should be disliked.


you look on the other side of the mirror is not the same as the
reflection itself, and what the icchantikas (or bad seed) sees in
their victims is a reflection of themselves. Or more like how
they look on the other side of the mirror, not their reflection, but
their true self, and that is why they say the blind cannot see in the


sometimes the parasite becomes stronger than the host and the host
becomes confused who is the parasite. This is the nature of the
abuser and sadist, and if the person is young and not wise they can
become confused who is the real parasite.


The path of light and darkness is a balance of grey. We step on each paths lines, coming to gray after the two paths lessons. Grey is the ultimate balance between life’s neccecary choices.

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