Sod Off! Word Origin

Where does this expression come from? I saw it used on the forum and it made me giggle.

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I know it’s the polite way of saying f-off, but is this a British saying…Australian?

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England for sure. :slight_smile:

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In Canada we say “Take off, eh!”…or “Get Bent!”.

I think @Naarai said it. He sounds like someone who would say it.


Yep ! I say it lol.

Comes from the old english term of sodomite.



Sod in Canada is a wet piece of fresh grass. I thought the term meant something like “Go chew on a piece of sod”… or something like that.

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Sod - off is thought to derive "from the Middle Ages with the turf-dwellers of Romford (Essex on the poor side of London). The term " sod off " was thus coined to mean “The door is open, feel free to leave”.


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Yep that sounds about right - I always thought it was “get off my land” being sod being the piece of earth your on.

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I’ve heard “get bent” a lot when I was in Canada. Also an alternative: ■■■■ off"

The latter seems to get used by young adults mostly, especially in uni


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