I believe it is possible aspergers could be a form of behavior modification motivated by social darwinian principles. Could the autistic have their neurological and cognitive processes inhibited to oblivion when in public to force their submission to the status quo of society? For instance, by giving them social anxiety in a class room it allows the neurotypicals a chance to communicate without the atypical autistic from getting in the way and bothering the class, who they may find to be a pest and feeble minded. Just my thoughts.
Get real.No one modifies a person’s behaviour to give them aspergers. The social anxiety is often a result of bullying for being different.
Yes it can be argued there are some positives to aspergers but it can also be quite disabling, especially socially.
the bullies of autistics work for the nonhuman element to behavior modificate them in my opinion. but they definitely get help from the nonhuman element. my entity says they are the ones doing the real work who make it all possible.
The perpetrator bullies the autistic, then the nonhuman element gimps their minds so they can’t defend themselves.
There is no non human element involved . I seriously think you need to book an appointment with your pdoc as it’s obvious you are not in a good place mentally. You seem to be raging against everyone and everything.
they even tried to turn you gay so you wouldnt breed
it is very sad. it is a crime against nature my friend.
Not diagnosed as such. Am a better fit for non verbal learning disorder which is similar. Am not diagnosed with that either as both aspergers(not a dx till 1980) and NVLD(scarcely recognised in 60s/70s) were not on the diagnostic table when I was a child.
I do have significant social skills and social interaction difficulties
No one tried to turn me gay.
I heard your confession of transgendered feelings. that was them my friend. they hacked your brain. it is behavior modification, social darwinism, and eugenics.
N o one hacked my brain or forced me to have transsexual feelings.
you clearly have not been re-educated. it is sad they let you live like this without knowing the truth my friend. it is a pity. we could be comrades.
This is your enemy.