Went out with my friend to watch the Frrance Switzerland game today
Was good but experienced intense social anxiety. And of course they lost lol
But hey, world cup 2022 in qatar of all places coming up lol
Allez les bleus!
Went out with my friend to watch the Frrance Switzerland game today
Was good but experienced intense social anxiety. And of course they lost lol
But hey, world cup 2022 in qatar of all places coming up lol
Allez les bleus!
Good for you. At least you did it.
Thanks @GrayBear ! Im glad I did
I watched it as well, good game!
I don’t even, A) have any friends lol, and B) I probably wouldn’t go anywhere with them if I did. My social anxiety is so bad. Good on ya for getting out with your buddy and watching the game. It was a good one!
I dont have social anxiety but have bad negative symptoms so its rare that I chill with my friends but yesterday 3 friends picked me up, we had mcdonald and then chatted in the parking lot for while, talking and listening to music in the car.
That sounds sweet @Aziz glad it sounds like you had fun!
I just bug out in public I guess
Sorry to hear that @Tulane I hope it gets better for you. I had it real bad at one point too thought I wouldnt ever hang out with anyone again
I also have social anxiety and agoraphobia.
When outside i feel dizzy,
the ground melts, i am about to faint,
I have derealizations etc.
But i go out, i fight it
Yes man you have to fight it. It gets worse if you dont
How you soing today Om?
Fine until now.
I had two coffees.
I am in the yard, petting
the male cat of the neighborhood.
Im drinking some tea. Gonna make a coffee next. Feeling good except for some intense anxiety around my future. I worry I will die tragically
Thats cool, I like cats but Im allergic so I cant pet them much or my eyes get scratchy lol
I never think of future.
It makes me anxious.
Definitely me too. I should exist in the present more but meditation makes it worse
I used to be able to block out all thoughts
I have no thoughts. Just a few
Social anxiety: (n.)
George Carlin: don’t get me wrong, ‘I like people, but after a minute to a minute and a half I gotta get the f outta there.’
Mine are all over the place @Om_Sadasiva always
@anon99082702 Lol I love george carlin, one of the greats!
If its really bothering you I would tell the Dr, I had a friend who was prescribed Citalopram for social anxiety.
Ever since my doctor put me on clonazpeam for sleep I have had zero anxiety, but that isn’t surprising given its a benzo.
Yes I think I will. Im insanely unorganized in my personal life so I lost the appt card lol but Ill call them tomorrow. I know its in late july tho at least
Thanks man! I hope it would help
Yes @Headspark a benzo might be great but I am a known addict lol my dr will not prescribe. Prob for the best even tho Im not a downer guy
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