Social anxiety wth?

They are saying it might be social anxiety now… i mean have i just spent 10 years making up I have schizophrenia and bipolar? I mean I think I have done it unintentially but I do think I have done it…

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Different doctors will always have different opinions. I feel like you definitely get manic sometimes, and maybe your new doctor just hasn’t seen that side of you yet. But I’m no doctor so what do I know?

My new pdoc says I might just have had insomnia-induced psychosis, and wants to change my meds all around. But I said no way, because I’m stable, and experiencing very few side effects. In the past when I’ve tried lowering my meds, it’s gone poorly. I don’t want to risk it again.

It irritates me too, but I also remember that she can only go on what she has seen of me. She’s never seen me in psychosis. She’s only seen me medicated. All you long time forum members remember when I wasn’t doing so well.


I agree @Ninjastar over the years different drs have said different things. However none of these drs has seen me at any point of the illnesses diagnosed. I used to present my symptoms in writing and thars how they drew conclusions.


I think I have social anxiety disorder. I think it might be the underlying mental health problem that led to my psychosis.

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Yeah. I don’t like my current pdoc at all, but I go to the public clinic so I get what I get. I’m going to be discharged though, hopefully next week. From then on, I will be seeing my GP for meds.

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